Fan Blade Mod
The Legend Rider Series Kamen Rider Shin Ichigo Henshin Belt which I received yesterday night was good, but it lacks the "blades" which is supposed to spin when Kamen Rider Ichigo transforms. Hence I decide to add something that will make it look more accurate. The end result is not what I wanted, due to some ridges at the center-plate cover that makes my "blades" piece smaller than desired. Anyway, it still looks much better than it was...
Kamen Rider : "Hey Akuna Prime, my Henshin belt doesn't look quite right... something seems to be missing... Care to help me fix?"
Akuna Prime : "..o..k... I'll try... but might not be too good..."
Paste a big piece of masking-tape on a piece of transparent material (rigid enough). Mark out as seen on picture. Use a pen-knife to cut gently the lines that form the slender triangles and remove the slender-triangles masking-tape. Remember to use fingernails to scratch down the masking-tape edges to securely tape to the material so that when painting with black paint pen later, the paint will not seep in under the masking-tape. Paint direction should be masking-tape to material.
Peel off the remaining masking tape when paint is dried. Apply a tiny drop of superglue on the tip of the metal axle that does the spinning. Turn over the "blades" piece so that the painted side is underneath and carefully place the "blades" piece on the tip of the metal axle to join.
[ Edit: Position the "blades" piece so that the painted black areas will not block the 3 LEDs. ] The new "blades" piece should be able to spin together when the lever is pressed.
And here is the finished product. The colour patterns are not affected when spinned. Actually it looks quite good from far...
Side Boxes Touch-up
Wanted to touch up my LRS Ichigo Belt long time ago, but was put off every time due to unexpected happenings... Today finally decided to touch up, although still tired and sick... Sigh... nevermind, shall not complain here...
Initially tried with silver pint pen.. Was ugly as paint did not really came out properly out of the pen... finally completed, then suddenly lightly scratch the surface, and the paint appears to peeled off from a silky surface... yes, that easy... Only then I remember, yes, there is this type of plastic that does not allow paint to stick to it well, like the KO Kabaya kits... sigh... In my flu drowsiness, I have forgotten... anyway, finally used some silver sticker sheet and plastered all over the 2 side "boxes". Luckily the silver paint on the jewels holders are not so often in contact by hand... The black paint on the knob and slide switch are badly done though... tried to put white detailings to the knob but did not work out well, so cover everything in black... anyway, still quite like it... not too bad if look from far... hahaha...
New Belt Strap
Gotten a new cheapo fake leather belt to replace the old plastic belts, and at the same time, it also makes the belt more show accurate, as I remember the old belts are also buckled...
Used some foamed-double-sided tape to secure the belt to the driver itself...
...while the sides are secured using a binder clip on each side to prevent them from slipping off the side boxes...