Friday, June 28, 2019

Bootleg KO DX Geed Claw ( Ultraman Geed Series )

Costs about SGD13. Rumour has it that this company called Sunday has since closed down, or being shut down, not sure. My guess is that probably it copies too close to the original one and caught the attention of Bandai, perhaps... just speculation... It is almost identical, except for the following difference: (1) need to press the trigger 3 times or more to activate "Cockscrew Jamming" if is following immediately after activating "Claw Cutting". Else just need to press trigger 2 times. (2) Trigger needs to press down fully to activate attack sound whereas original one seem to be able to press halfway to activate attack sound, i.e. without spinning the claws. (as seen in some review videos) (3) Sound quality is not as good when compared to that in some review videos. (4) Spinning gimmick is not as smooth (as seen in some review videos) Overall, a very good bootleg.

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