Thursday, October 31, 2013

October Purchase (2) - (Disguise) Thor Hammer

It finally fell from the other realm today... Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.... Hahahaha.... About 2 weeks ago I bought a toy Thor's Hammer... look at the 3rd picture below, it states "Thor Hammer"... ok, you win, call it the Mjolnir,... from eBay. Normally the price is quite expensive, but I was quite surprised to see it at this price (SGD$36.16, including shipping)... The company that makes this is called 'Disguise' and I believe this is a sort of Halloween costume-prop but hey, the design details follow very very closely to the one in the Thor movie!

Here's the Mjolnir in package... opps, accidentally twisted the handle by 90 degrees, the "arrows" should face the side, as seen in the Thor movie...

The 4 main characters in the movie 'Avengers'...

Back of the package...

Mjolnir ripped out... Very nice finishing that really mimics the feel of raw metal surface... Length is about 16"...  Lightweight due to the soft plastics used... Only worry is the strap-joint at the end of hammer is not strong and may snap off easily... Hopefully not...

A closer look on the hammer head... The patterns are identical to that found on the Thor hammer in the Thor movie... Amazing...

Top of the hammer head... Some weird inscriptions....

Waiting to see if can complete eBay deal of Sengoku Driver this Sunday... Hopefully...

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