Thursday, June 23, 2022

Restoration 02 Bootleg DX Zero-One Driver for Zero-Two Sounds Kamen Rider Zero One ZeroTwo Knockoff


Just a quick demonstration of the addition of Zero-Two sounds into my bootleg Zero-One Driver.  Very primary and crude method used, with a total of 3 push-switches needed in the end... Will take a bit more pictures of the internal next time together when dong the light effect restoration. Tried to use the bootleg's speakers, but the volume turns out too loud, and have to use another speaker, and turns out too soft when the 2 halves of the casing are closed. Hopefully can figure out a way to make the new sounds louder, possibly make some not-so-visible sound holes on the body.

It seems that the KO company is coming out with their bootleg versions of the Secretary and Realising-Hopper Progrise Keys!!!! 

* I don't keep links of buying items

* I don't buy on behalf

* Most item details are in the Youtube video's description, else is I cannot remember.