Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Homemade: LED Lighting Platform for Kyutama ( Kyurangers )

Made a lighting platform that will house and shine light a Kyutama, for my friend's birthday... Initially wanted to modify the Kyutama to have the light shine internally, but I did not have a battery holder of that suitable size. Also, the internal space is quite limited too. This should work just as fine... hahahaha... The front image does not look nice when light shines behind as the 2 layers looks like 2 different colour tones, but the glow at the globe looks ok...

The back image (heart) looks quite ok and clear with the light though...

I painted the LED sides to black and taped the LED body with a black insulation tape to minimise the overly bright glow to the eyes when looking from the front / side...

A pair of magnets (dia-6mm x 3mm thick) are hot-glued to the cork mat (platform) and Kyutama's bottom. This not only provides a strong but temporary joint, it also allows the Kyutama to be swivel to allow the both sides of the Kyutama to be illuminated by the light...

Light circuit... a small latching push-switch, white LED, 3V LR44 holder are used in this circuit...Hope she likes it! =)


  1. Very cool! I was planning on modding the inside to fit in a small circuit + the LED but space is very limited and I'd need to modify the casing, nicely done!!
